Monday, June 13, 2011

Correct The Wrong—settling the differences between the Black man of America (the slave) and the slave master's children

According to history, four peoples were involved in bringing our fathers into slavery, some Arabs, Jews, Europeans and Africans. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has said to us that no problem in the world is more difficult to solve than the problem of raising the Black man up—settling the differences between the Black man of America (the slave) and the slave master's children.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad has advised the nations of the earth and us, as individuals, to “correct the wrong.” One of the greatest attributes of Allah (God) is His abundant Mercy. He is Oft-Returning to Mercy and Forgiving. But we, His servants, must be worthy of His Forgiveness. We must take the proper steps to receive His Forgiveness. And one of those steps is that we must correct our wrongs.

The government of the United States has wronged the Black man and woman of America. The problem of Black people in this country has lingered for over 400 years without a solution. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is warning the government that it must correct the wrong. Our fathers were brought into slavery, not to be made equal citizens, but to be made burden-bearers of the citizens of America. After 100 years of so-called freedom, the masses of Black people in this country are in a worse condition. America must correct the wrong.    » CONTINUE

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