Thursday, November 11, 2010

Get your burrito plate for R$21

OK – so I am trying to not blow a gasket. Maybe I don’t understand. Perhaps I have it all wrong. Please – I hope I have it all wrong.

Many locals are subscribing to Peixe Urbano (no link, thank you very much!). It is an online super discount coupon service.

The “deal” of the day today in Rio is to offer a Mexican food dinner at a restaurant called MeXdilicía which includes one taco, one burrito and one enchilada. A combination plate. That’s the deal so put forth. The regular price is (sit down) R$42.50. [WTF!!] The super savings price (!?) is R$21.00 (remember: one taco, one burrito and one enchilada)

We’re talking about beans and rice. (If you are from the southwest of the US – the burrito on its own will insult your intelligence.) Trust me, if there is any meat (or other real substance) in any of this it will be an infinitesimal amount. Who makes up this stuff?  Oh – and just try a so-called margarita at a place like this. Enjoy your sour juice mix for R$12.

What a weird reality. The world of Mexican food here is elevated to chic cuisine, instead of the every-day food of regular folks. And what comes on your plate is still regular beans and rice… but much less than you remember. Who comes up with this pricing?

Please tell me I have it all wrong.

[I don’t usually do a rant but this got my goat.]

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