Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Household Christmas shopping

Luiz and I are celebrating Christmas by shopping for the things we need and have been slow to go buy.  For example, our ceiling fan in the sala has been broken since Carnaval last year.  But since it has been the cool season, we have not bothered to get it replaced.

Actually, we got a replacement, but we put it in our bedroom.  So we still need to get the fan replaced in the sala.  That is top of our list.

My desk chair failed me a few weeks back, crumpling under my weight (blush).  Time to get a new, fortified version.

Our television has been acting up, giving us fuzzy lines in the vertical.  Our repair person (yes, we have a personal TV repair person…) says it is a chip problem that will not correct itself over time.  So we must schlep the 42” screen in a cab down to their repair office.  Sigh.  But TV in this house is a priority.

And Flor de Luiz needs an expanded storage/shelving unit for all things creative and floral.  We have sold our mid-sized freezer unit (which we never really used to full advantage), so in that space we are looking to erect some shelves, or drawers, or some combination thereof.

Plus, in the margins we will shop for shorts, sandals, tank tops and maybe a new bathing suit for the coming summer months.

Christmas for us is not so much about a surprise box on Xmas eve (although it is that too).  It is more about giving us permission to get some backlogged shopping accomplished, with a cherry on top.

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