Thursday, January 21, 2010

Keeping it real - and delicious

When Luiz and I were packing up all our worldly belongings in San Francisco to move here two years ago, I hoarded a huge stack of cookbooks in my “must go” pile. I love to cook and I particularly love to cook ethnic meals and fancy baked goods. After forcing myself to pare down the choices, I brought with me 12 different cookbooks (plus some choice magazines and booklets).

Now I think – what was up with that? The internet crosses all culinary boundaries and offers an infinite number of recipes, basic and more complicated.

Plus – the internet has given me access to Brazilian recipes I then encourage Luiz to make for us (see earlier post regarding my not cooking Brazilian meals).

Some sites and blogs inspire me to try new things. Some remind me how to do the most basic things without fail (like banana pancakes). Mostly I enjoy perusing the net for something new using available ingredients.

Here are a few sources I use to keep me excited and to help me cook my best.

Ceramic Canvas
Cooking Light
Cozinha da Nina
Hoje em Dia
Mais Você
Smitten Kitchen
Technicolor Kitchen
Weight Watchers
Worlds Healthiest Foods

And of course I simply Google searches for recipes when the question arises.

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